Answer: rotated

AnswerCrossword Clue
rotatedcause to grow in rotation rotate crops
ROTATEDWent around.
ROTATEDDid pirouettes
ROTATEDGrew crops in a fixed order
ROTATEDChanged crops
ROTATEDFollowed in turn
ROTATEDSwitched according to plan
ROTATEDLike a spit over a fire
ROTATEDHad a revolution?
rotatedto perform an act, function, or operation in turn
rotatedcause to pass or act in a series alternate
rotatedmove in such a way that all particles follow circles with a common angular velocity about a common axis
rotatedpass or alternate in a series
rotatedexchange (individuals or units) with others
rotatedcause (a plane region or line) to sweep out a volume or surface by moving around an axis so that each of its points remains at a constant distance from the axis generate a torus by rotating a circle about an external line
rotatedcause to turn or move about an axis or a center
rotatedROTATE, to turn like a wheel
rotatedturn about an axis or a center revolve
ROTATEDChanged cyclicly
ROTATEDTook turns
ROTATEDTurned on an axis
ROTATEDDid a tire-maintenance job
ROTATEDRepositioned, as tires
ROTATEDTook turns in succession
ROTATEDWent around
ROTATEDWent round and round
ROTATEDSwitched around
ROTATEDMoved around
ROTATEDRaised different crops each year, for conservation.
ROTATEDAlternated in a series.
ROTATEDTook turns.
ROTATEDChanged tours.