Answer: sabines

AnswerCrossword Clue
SABINESWomen in famous painting
sabinesSABINE, an evergreen shrub, also SAVIN, SAVINE
sabinesone of the Sabine people
sabinesthe Italic language of the Sabines
sabinesof or belonging to an ancient people of central Italy who lived chiefly in the Apennines northeast of Rome and were subjugated by the Romans about 290 b.c.
SABINESGroup assimilated by the Romans
SABINESWomen abducted by Romulus and his men
SABINESAncient Italic people
SABINESVictims in a Bologna sculpture
SABINESApennine Italians subjugated by the Romans
SABINESLegendary victims of the Romans
SABINESRomans' victims: 290 B.C.
SABINESAncient Romans' neighbors
SABINESGroup victimized by Romans: 290 B.C.
SABINESEarly Italians
SABINESWomen mentioned in Livy's history of Rome
SABINESAncient Italians
SABINESItalic people.
SABINESPeople conquered by Rome.
SABINESAnc. Italians.
SABINESAncient people of central Italy.
SABINESEarly Italians.
SABINESA people conquered by Rome.
SABINESPrototypes of the "Seven Brides."
SABINESAncient people of Italy.
SABINESAncient Italians.
SABINESRomans carried off these women.
SABINESAncient Italian people
SABINESAncient Apennine dwellers
SABINESRomans' victims