Answer: sailboat

AnswerCrossword Clue
SAILBOATYawl or cat
sailboata boat with sails
sailboatboat having sails as its principal means of propulsion
SAILBOATFelucca e.g.
SAILBOATWind-driven craft
SAILBOATCutter, e.g.
SAILBOATIt may be found in a slip
SAILBOATRegatta unit
SAILBOATScooter or sandbagger
SAILBOATIt's wind-driven
SAILBOATOpposite of a stinkpot
SAILBOATCatamaran, for one
SAILBOATLightning of Star.
SAILBOATRegatta entry.
SAILBOATVessel moved by the wind
SAILBOATRegatta vessel
SAILBOATRegatta craft
SAILBOATPond skimmer