Answer: sandbag

AnswerCrossword Clue
SANDBAGItem for emergency river wall.
sandbagto surround with bags of sand
sandbagsand-filled bag used as fortification, ballast, etc.
SANDBAGBallast unit
SANDBAGCommon balloon ballast
SANDBAGBank fortifier
SANDBAGBank protector?
SANDBAGSurreptitiously thwart
SANDBAGDike component
SANDBAGLevee accessory
SANDBAGCoerce crudely
SANDBAGBallast article.
SANDBAGPoker term
SANDBAGBalloon adjunct.
SANDBAG1st, 2d or 3d base: Slang.
SANDBAGFlood-bulwark unit.
SANDBAGForm of protection against bombs.
SANDBAGFlooding protection
SANDBAGBalloon ballast
SANDBAGFlood prevention item
SANDBAGLevee component, often
SANDBAGPart of a makeshift dam
SANDBAGEmergency levee component