Answer: sandy

AnswerCrossword Clue
sandyof the nature of or consisting of sand
SANDYDestructive 2012 hurricane
SANDYLike beaches
SANDY"4th of July, Asbury Park (...)" Bruce Springsteen
SANDYLike beach blankets
sandyof a yellowish-red color
sandyfemale given name, form of Sandra,Saundra,Sondra
sandycontaining or covered with sand
sandyhaving hair of a sandy color
sandycovered with sand
sandymale given name
sandyshifting or unstable, like sand
SANDYLike some light hair
SANDYDevastating hurricane of 2012
SANDYGood name for a beachcomber?
SANDYBlond shade
SANDY"Grease" role
SANDY"Grease" player
SANDYDog recently on Broadway
SANDYFamous nickname in baseball.
SANDYLike some spinach
SANDYHe says "arf"
SANDYAnnie's pooch
SANDYDog on Broadway
SANDY"Arf!" maker
SANDYB'way dog
SANDYLike a beach cabin
SANDYAnnie's companion
SANDYAnnie's canine friend
SANDYDog in "Annie"
SANDY... Hook, N.J.
SANDYTwo leaders of symphonies like the beach? (5)
SANDYScotsman's nickname
SANDYHair color
SANDYKind of blond