Answer: scallop

AnswerCrossword Clue
SCALLOPCloth edging
scallopto finish (an edge) with scallops
scallopone of a series of curves on a border
scallopbivalve mollusk with a fluted shell
scallopto bake in a sauce topped with breadcrumbs, also ESCALLOP,ESCALOP,SCOLLOP
SCALLOPBouillabaisse tidbit
SCALLOPShore dinner morsel
SCALLOPEdible muscle
SCALLOPCut in curves
SCALLOPSeafood bite
SCALLOPSeafood morsel
SCALLOPBit of surf in surf and turf
SCALLOPShore-dinner morsel
SCALLOPBivalve mollusk
SCALLOPShore-dinner tidbit
SCALLOPCut curvy edgings
SCALLOPShore dinner tidbit
SCALLOPBaking dish
SCALLOPSeafood favorite.
SCALLOPSea food delicacy.
SCALLOPRelative of the oyster.
SCALLOPBaking dish.
SCALLOPBake in a sauce.
SCALLOPBake in crumb sauce.
SCALLOPCoquilles St. Jacques ingredient
SCALLOPSeafood tidbit
SCALLOPCertain shell
SCALLOPType of mollusk
SCALLOPSeafood platter item
SCALLOPThin slice, as of veal
SCALLOPSeafood item