Answer: scorer

AnswerCrossword Clue
SCORERGoal kicker, e.g.
SCORERShe keeps track of points
SCORERHome plate crosser
SCOREROne who puts up points
SCOREROvertime hero
SCORERAllen Iverson, e.g.
SCOREROne running home, maybe
SCORERPerson noting errors
SCOREROne who makes it home
SCORERTrack official
SCOREROne making a goal
SCORERMusic arranger
SCORERSports official
SCORERCooking utensil
SCORERO. J. Simpson often
SCORERLeBron or Kobe, notably
SCOREROne who makes a point or two
SCORERStadium official
SCORERPlayer making a basket or goal
scorerto compose a score for
scorerto make notches, cuts, or marks in or on
scorerto keep score, as of a game
scorerto earn points, as in a game
scorerto earn in a game
scorernotch, scratch, or mark
scorerrecord of points made, as in a game
scorerone who scores (to achieve a success)
scorergroup of twenty
scorerthe written or printed music for a movie, play, etc.
scorerto achieve success
SCORERCricket statistician
SCOREROlympics official
SCOREROne who gets the point
SCOREROne crossing the plate
SCOREROfficial at a ball game
SCORERHoops star, usually
SCOREROne with goals