Answer: sealion

AnswerCrossword Clue
SEALIONOne of the seals
SEALIONAquatic animal of the Pacific.
SEALIONAquatic mammal
SEALIONEared seal
SEALIONLarge eared seal
SEALIONZoo attraction
SEALIONPacific seal
SEALIONPacific seal.
SEALIONPacific Coast critter
SEALIONSighting off the California coast
SEALIONFlippered animal of the Pacific
SEALIONLarge seal
SEALIONCircus animal
SEALIONType of pinniped
SEALIONCircus performer
SEALIONAquarium performer
SEALIONFlippered animal along the Pacific Coast
SEALIONLarge-eared seal.
SEALIONAquarium attraction
SEALIONMarine mammal
SEALIONType of seal
SEALIONCircus barker?
SEALIONBeach basker
SEALIONWalrus relative
SEALIONCircus barker
SEALIONCritter with flippers
SEALIONPacific barker
SEALIONFlippered ocean critter
SEALIONLarge eared seal of the Pacific Coast.
SEALIONRelative of the walrus.
SEALIONNorth Pacific swimmer.
SEALIONAquatic mammal.
SEALIONMammal of the North Pacific.
SEALIONMarine mammal.
SEALIONAnimal of the North Pacific.
SEALIONLarge animal of the North Pacific.
SEALIONOcean mammal.