Answer: secrets

AnswerCrossword Clue
SECRETSBabyface "Never Keeping ..."
SECRETSClassified items
SECRETSEntre-nous items
SECRETSWambaugh's "The ... of Harry Bright"
SECRETSConcealed matters
SECRETSHush-hush matters
SECRETSArcane matters
SECRETS1985 Danielle Steel best seller
SECRETSSpies' quest
SECRETSWhat tellers lack?
SECRETSFraternity handshakes, maybe
SECRETSSpies seek them
SECRETSBad things to share
SECRETSExchange of spies, maybe
SECRETSWhat best friends keep
SECRETSC.I.A. gatherings
SECRETSSome are classified
SECRETSThey're passed in whispers
SECRETSThey're often whispered
SECRETSState or trade
SECRETS.... and Lies : 1996 film
SECRETSDiary entries, maybe
SECRETSProprietary info
SECRETSClassified stuff
SECRETSHard things to carry alone
secretsSomething that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others
secretsA valid but not commonly known or recognized method of achieving or maintaining something
secretsSECRET, something that is kept from the knowledge of others
secretsSomething that is not properly understood; a mystery
secretsFormerly, the name of a prayer said by the priest in a low voice after the offertory in a Roman Catholic Mass
SECRETSLoose lips fail to keep them
SECRETSUntold wealth?
SECRETSKept things
SECRETS"... edged tools [to] be kept from children and from fools": Dryden
SECRETSDanielle Steel novel or miniseries
SECRETSTalebearers have trouble keeping them
SECRETSConfidential matters
SECRETSThey may be classified