Answer: sects

AnswerCrossword Clue
SECTSSplinter groups, sometimes
SECTSDoctrinal offshoots
SECTSShakers et al.
SECTSQuakers et al.
SECTSSchism outcomes
SECTSReligious branches
SECTSReligious groups
SECTSHasidism and Sikhism
SECTSReligious denominations
SECTSReligious spin-offs
SECTSSplinter group
SECTSReligious divisions
SECTSReligious schisms
SECTSThe Amish, the Shakers, et al.
SECTSChips off the old flock?
SECTSDenominational offshoots
SECTSDissenting divisions
SECTSFaith factions
SECTSShakers and others
sectsSECT, a group of people united by common beliefs
SECTSOffshoot groups
SECTSAmish et al.
SECTSAmish, etc.
SECTSReligious factions
SECTSShakers and Dunkers, e.g.
SECTSSplit-off groups
SECTSBands of believers
SECTSReligious bodies
SECTSSplinter groups
SECTSReligious splinter groups
SECTSSmall denominations?
SECTSBreakaway groups
SECTSThe Pharisees and others
SECTSReligious offshoots
SECTSShakers and Quakers
SECTSGnostics and others
SECTSReligious subgroups