Answer: serenaded

AnswerCrossword Clue
SERENADEDSang under a lady's window.
serenadedSERENADE, to sing a love song to
serenadedEntertain (someone) with a serenade
SERENADEDWooed a la Don Giovanni
SERENADEDCourted with love notes?
SERENADEDLike sororities, at times
SERENADEDWooed with music
SERENADEDSang al fresco
SERENADEDCourted, in a way
SERENADEDWooed, the old-fashioned way
SERENADEDWent a-courting, perhaps
SERENADEDWooed, in a way
SERENADEDSang to ladylove
SERENADEDWarbled wooingly
SERENADEDSang to the balcony
SERENADEDGraced with a number