Answer: sinking

AnswerCrossword Clue
sinkingsoak or become absorbed penetrate
sinkingpay off (as a debt) liquidate
sinkingdig or bore (a well or shaft) in the earth excavate
sinkingvest 1
sinkinggrow less in amount or worth
sinkingcause to sink sink a battleship
sinkingslope gradually dip
sinkingdisappear from view
sinkingfall to a lower pitch or volume his voice sank to a whisper
sinkingcause (something) to penetrate
sinkingforce down especially below the earth's surface
sinkinggo downward in quality, state, or condition
sinkingfall or drop to a lower place or level
sinkingdrink down completely
sinkingstrain suppress sinks her pride and approaches the despised neighbor Richard Harrison
sinkingflow at a lower depth or level
sinkingthe act of sinking
sinkingbecome engulfed
sinkingburn with lower intensity
sinkingfall or drop slowly for lack of strength
SINKINGKind of fund.
SINKINGKind of feeling
sinkingsubside gradually settle
sinkingmerse absorb he sank himself into his studies
sinkingbecome partly buried (as in mud)
sinkingop 7c sink a putt sink a jump shot
sinkinglower or soften (the voice) in speaking
sinkingbecome depressed
sinkingto go to the bottom submerge
sinkinglower in standing or reputation abase
sinkingcast down or bring to a low condition or state overwhelm defeat
sinkingbecome deeply absorbed sank into reverie
sinkinglessen in value or amount
sinkingfail in health or strength
sinkingform by cutting or excising sink words in stone