Answer: smaze

AnswerCrossword Clue
SMAZESun block?
SMAZENew York-New Jersey visitation.
SMAZEAtmospheric condition, new style.
SMAZERelative of smog.
SMAZEAcronym akin to smog.
SMAZEAtmospheric problem.
SMAZEWeather word in L.A.
SMAZEForm of air pollution
SMAZEHaze-smoke mixture
SMAZESun blocker
SMAZEThick urban air condition
SMAZESome air pollution
SMAZESmog-like weather condition
SMAZEReeking atmosphere
SMAZEPollutant that's a portmanteau
smazemixture of haze and smoke
smazean atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze
SMAZEPollutant mixture
SMAZEVisibility problem
SMAZEDirty air
SMAZECity pollution
SMAZEUrban air pollution
SMAZESmog relative
SMAZEAtmospheric problem
SMAZEPollution portmanteau
SMAZEVisibility reducer
SMAZEAir pollution
SMAZEUnhealthy air
SMAZEAir-polluting blend
SMAZEAir pollution mixture
SMAZEUrban pollution
SMAZEUrban air problem
SMAZEPortmanteau that describes what wafts over L.A.