Answer: smiling

AnswerCrossword Clue
SMILINGApparently pleased
smilingRegard favorably or indulgently
smilingGive (a smile) of a specified kind
smilingthe act of smiling
smilingForm one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed
smilingExpress (a feeling) with such an expression
smiling(esp. of a landscape) Have a bright or pleasing aspect
SMILINGLike the Cheshire cat
SMILINGCome up ...
SMILINGLike the Cheshire Cat
SMILINGObviously pleased
SMILINGLooking happy
SMILINGLike some Irish eyes
SMILINGLike Mona Lisa
SMILINGLike Irish eyes of song
SMILINGRegarding with amusement.