Answer: snog

AnswerCrossword Clue

Kiss, to a Brit


Hook up with, during a summer abroad


Make out on the London Eye, say

Cuddle, in British slang
Get amorous, in Exeter
SNOGGet lovey-dovey, in Leeds
SNOGKiss and cuddle, British-style
SNOGSmooch, in Staffordshire
SNOGHug and kiss, to Bridget Jones
SNOGKiss and cuddle, in Kent
SNOGSalisbury smooch
SNOGKiss, in Kent
SNOGKiss and cuddle, in British slang
SNOGCozy: Scot.
SNOGKiss, in "Harry Potter"
SNOGKiss in Kensington
SNOGBe amorous with, in Britain
SNOGHug and kiss, to a Brit
SNOGKensington kiss
SNOGMake out, to Harry Potter
SNOGMake out, in York
SNOGKiss, to Brits
SNOGFrench, e.g., to Brits
SNOGCanoodle, in Canterbury
SNOGCuddle and kiss in Hyde Park
SNOGCuddle and kiss, London-style
SNOGCuddle and kiss, in Hyde Park
SNOGMake out in England
SNOGKiss amorously