Answer: softer

AnswerCrossword Clue
SOFTERHole "..., Softest"
SOFTERMore pliant
SOFTERMore easily cut
SOFTERMore subdued
SOFTERMore downy
SOFTERNot so hard
SOFTERNot so adamant
SOFTEREasier, as a job
SOFTERLess hard
SOFTERLess severe
SOFTEREasier on the skin
SOFTEREasier to chew
SOFTERLike Brie vis-a-vis Gruyere cheese
softernot rough or harsh
softeryielding readily to touch or pressure
softernot hard
softerSOFT, yielding easily to pressure
softergentle; pleasant
softer(of water) free from mineral salts
SOFTERLess garish
SOFTERMore lenient
SOFTERMore out of condition
SOFTERLess harsh
SOFTERNot so rough
SOFTERClaim in a tissue ad
SOFTERCorundum, vis-a-vis diamonds
SOFTERMore flexible
SOFTERMore gentle
SOFTERNot as loud
SOFTERNot as hard
SOFTERMore malleable
SOFTERDiminuendo, to a musician
SOFTERNot as harsh
SOFTERMore cushiony
SOFTERMore yielding
SOFTERMore lenient.
SOFTERNot so harsh.
SOFTERMore temperate.