Answer: solitaire

AnswerCrossword Clue
SOLITAIREOne's dealings?
solitaireA diamond or other gem set in a piece of jewelry by itself
solitaireA ring set with such a gem
solitaireEither of two large extinct flightless birds related to the dodo, found on two of the Mascarene Islands until they were exterminated in the 18th century
solitaireAny of various card games played by one person, the object of which is to use up all one's cards by forming particular arrangements and sequences
solitairea game played by one person with a board and balls, pegs, etc
solitaireA large American thrush with mainly gray plumage and a short bill
SOLITAIREPatience, stateside
SOLITAIRESet by itself, as a diamond
SOLITAIREEngagement ring choice
SOLITAIREGem set by itself
SOLITAIREIt's set in a ring
SOLITAIREGame for the asocial
SOLITAIREGame in which players famously cheat
SOLITAIREDiamond ...
SOLITAIREOne's game?
SOLITAIREGame for a hermit?
SOLITAIREDiamond set alone
SOLITAIREPatience or Canfield.
SOLITAIREA kind of ring.
SOLITAIREOne diamond.
SOLITAIRESingle diamond.
SOLITAIRELonely jewel?
SOLITAIRECard game for one
SOLITAIRELonely game
SOLITAIRESingular game
SOLITAIRERing insert
SOLITAIREGame for one
SOLITAIRESolo pursuit