Answer: sonnet

AnswerCrossword Clue
SONNETThomas Wyatt work
SONNETPoem of 14 lines
SONNETVerse form
SONNETDonne's "Death Be Not Proud," e.g.
SONNETShelley's "Ozymandias," e.g.
SONNETSpenserian output
SONNETSpenserian work
SONNETShakespeare opus
SONNETShakespearean poetic form
SONNETFrost form
SONNETShakespearean poem
SONNETShakespearean lines
SONNETThree quatrains and a couplet
SONNETForm of verse.
SONNETKeats' "Bright Star."
SONNETPetrarch's forte.
SONNETShakespeare's "To His Love."
SONNET"To His Love," for example.
SONNET14 heartfelt lines.
SONNETShort poem.
sonnetto compose a type of poem
SONNETShakespearean verse
SONNET"The New Colossus," for one
SONNETPetrarchan piece
SONNET14-line verse
SONNETOctet + sestet
SONNET'abba abba cde cde' creation
SONNET"Ozymandias," for one
SONNETShakespearean work
SONNETLiterally, "little song"
SONNETBrowning output
SONNETWordsworth offering
SONNETBrowning's "How Do I Love Thee?" e.g.
SONNET14-line poem
SONNETMilton's "On His Blindness," for one
SONNETShakespeare specialty
SONNETType of poem mentioned in "Easter Parade"
SONNETIt concludes with a couplet
SONNETShelley's "Ozymandias," for one
SONNETComposition that may be Petrarchan