Answer: standees

AnswerCrossword Clue
STANDEESMany commuters
STANDEESUpright ones
STANDEESSubway sardines.
STANDEESLatecomers at a hit.
STANDEESReal lovers of opera.
STANDEESOverflow crowd.
STANDEESSome Met Opera watchers.
STANDEESUpright people?
STANDEESBus passengers without seats
STANDEESSome bus riders
STANDEESMetro passengers without seats
STANDEESPassengers without seats
STANDEESMany rush-hour travelers
standeesSTANDEE, one who stands because of lack of seats
standeesperson who stands, as a passenger in a train, a spectator at a theater, etc., either because all the seats are taken or because standing room is cheaper than a seat