Answer: stander

AnswerCrossword Clue
standerendure or undergo successfully this book will stand the test of time
standertolerate without flinching bear courageously stands pain well
standerbe a candidate run
standerperform the duty of stand guard
standeroccupy a place or location the house stands on a knoll
standermaintain one's position stand firm
standerparticipate in (a military formation)
standerto support oneself on the feet in an erect position
standerhold a course at sea
standerderive benefit or enjoyment from you look like you could stand a drink
standerexist in a definite written or printed form copy a passage exactly as it stands
standerree accord used chiefly in the expression it stands to reason
standerbe available as a sire used especially of horses
standerrest or remain upright on a base or lower end a clock stood on the mantle
standerbe in a position to gain or lose because of an action taken or a commitment made stands to make quite a profit
standerbe a specified height when fully erect stands six feet two
standermake available for breeding stand a stallion
standerpay the cost of (a treat) pay for I'll stand you a dinner stand drinks
standerhave or maintain a relative position in or as if in a graded scale stands first in the class
standerrefuse additional cards (as in blackjack)
standerone who stands (to assume an upright position)
STANDERLionel ..., plays hardboiled screen roles.
STANDERLionel ..., Hollywood villain.
STANDERActor Lionel
STANDERMax in "Hart to Hart"
STANDERGravelly-voiced film actor
STANDERLionel of old films
STANDERUpright citizen?
standerremain firm in the face of stand a siege
STANDER"Hart to Hart" actor
standerremain stationary or inactive the car stood in the garage for a week
standerrise to an erect position
standersubmit to stand trial
standerremain valid or efficacious the order given last week still stands
standercause to stand set upright
standerbe in a particular state or situation stands accused
standergather slowly and remain tears standing in her eyes
standertake up or maintain a specified position or posture stand aside can you stand on your head