

AnswerCrossword Clue
STATISTRarely a reformer
STATISTSupporter of a strong, centralized government
STATISTNumber cruncher, for short
STATISTLibertarian adversary
STATISTAdvocate of centralized government.
STATISTBeliever in republican government.
STATISTType of totalitarian.
STATISTAnarchist's opposite
STATISTAdvocate of centralized government
STATISTCompiler of e.r.a., r.b.i., etc.
STATISTOligarchy proponent
STATISTOne favoring a strong, centralized government
STATISTBeliever in a strong centralized government
STATISTOne favoring a strong central government
STATISTSupporter of government control of economic planning
STATISTBeliever in a strong federal government