Answer: stpaul

AnswerCrossword Clue
STPAULBiblical correspondent
STPAULOne of the Twins.
STPAULState capital.
STPAULCity in Minnesota.
STPAULTwin city
STPAULCity once called Pig's Eye
STPAULMidwest capital
STPAULFamous American twin?
STPAULSaul of Tarsus
STPAULCity in Minn. or Neb.
STPAULState capital on the Mississippi
STPAULA twin city
STPAULState capital originally known as Pig's Eye
STPAULMinnesota city.
STPAULConcordia University locale
STPAULHome for "A Prairie Home Companion"
STPAULMinnesota's capital
STPAULThe First Theologian
STPAULMinnesota capital
STPAULMinneapolis's twin
STPAULMinn. capital
STPAULCapital on the Mississippi R.
STPAULHome of 3M
STPAULHome to "A Prairie Home Companion"
STPAULMinneapolis's twin city
STPAUL"Prairie Home Companion" home
STPAULOnly state capital written with a period
STPAULMinnesota twin?
STPAULMidwestern capital
STPAULCapital of Minn.
STPAULOne of the NT writers
STPAULLand of Ten Thousand Lakes capital
STPAULGopher State capital
STPAULOne of Minn.'s twins
STPAUL"A Prairie Home Companion" home
STPAULMinn.'s capital
STPAULOne of Minn.'s Twin Cities
STPAULHome of the 3M Company
STPAULOne of the Twin Cities
STPAULCapital on the Mississippi