Answer: straining

AnswerCrossword Clue
strainingPull or push forcibly at something
strainingMake a strenuous and continuous effort
strainingDrain off (liquid) in this way
strainingPour (a mainly liquid substance) through a porous or perforated device or material in order to separate out any solid matter
strainingSTRAIN, to exert to the utmost
strainingInjure (a limb, muscle, or organ) by overexerting it or twisting it awkwardly
strainingCause liquid to drain off (food that has been boiled, soaked, or canned) by using such a device
strainingEmbrace (someone) tightly
strainingForce (a part of one's body or oneself) to make a strenuous or unusually great effort
strainingMake severe or excessive demands on
strainingStretch (something) tightly