Answer: swales

AnswerCrossword Clue
SWALESWhere cattails grow.
swaleslow place in a tract of land, usually moister and often having ranker vegetation than the adjacent higher land
SWALESSmall valleys
SWALESLow tracts of land
SWALESLow tracts
SWALESLand depressions
SWALESMeadow lowlands
SWALESMarshy places
SWALESLow, marshy areas
SWALESKin of swamps
SWALESMoist tracts of land
SWALESMarshy lands
SWALESLow tracts of land.
SWALESMarshy tracts
SWALESHollows of wet, marshy ground.
SWALESMarshy meadows.
SWALESHollows in wet, marshy ground.
SWALESMarshy depressions in a plain.
SWALESLow marshy places in a plain.
SWALESWet meadows.
SWALESMarshy valleys.
SWALESSwampy lowlands
SWALESWet lowlands
SWALESMoist lowlands
SWALESLow areas
SWALESLowland areas
SWALESValleylike tracts