Answer: swings

AnswerCrossword Clue
swingsBring down (something held) with a curving movement, typically in order to hit an object
swingsThrow (a punch) with such a movement
swingsMove quickly around to the opposite direction
swings(of music) Be played with such a rhythm
swingsBe executed by hanging
swingsMove with a rhythmic swaying gait
swingsMove or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while or as if suspended
swingsBe promiscuous, typically by engaging in group sex or swapping sexual partners
swingsMove or cause to move in a smooth, curving line
swingsSWING, to move freely back and forth
SWINGSPlayground set
swingsAttempt to hit or punch, typically with a wide curving movement of the arm
swingsMove by grasping a support from below and leaping
swingsPlay music with an easy flowing but vigorous rhythm
swings(of an event, place, or way of life) Be lively, exciting, or fashionable
swingsShift or cause to shift from one opinion, mood, or state of affairs to another
swingsHave a decisive influence on (something, esp. a vote or election)
swingsSucceed in bringing about
swingsTurn (a ship or aircraft) to all compass points in succession, in order to test compass error
swingsMove or cause to move in alternate directions or in either direction on an axis
SWINGSSkiing turns
SWINGSPlayground equipment
SWINGSPorch seats
SWINGSIsn't consistent
SWINGSTakes a cut at a pitch
SWINGSPlayground pleasures.
SWINGSPlayground equipment.
SWINGSPlayground gear.
SWINGSPlayground fixtures
SWINGSPlayground pendulums
SWINGSEquipment near teeter-totters
SWINGSPlayground section
SWINGSSome playground equipment
SWINGSWields a bat
SWINGSBatters' attempts
SWINGSFuture for old tires, perhaps
SWINGSPlayground items