Answer: tapped

AnswerCrossword Clue
TAPPEDAccessed, with "into"
tappedTAP, to strike gently
tappedpierce so as to let out or draw off a fluid tap maple trees
tappedcut in on (as a telephone or radio signal) to get information
tappedform an internal screw thread in by means of a tap
tappedget money from as a loan or gift
tappedconnect (a street gas or water main) with a local supply
tappeddraw out, from, or upon tap new sources of revenue the story taps powerful emotions
tappedto let out or cause to flow by piercing or by drawing a plug from the containing vessel tap wine from a cask
TAPPEDCalled on
TAPPEDBroke, slangily
TAPPEDBroke, in slang
TAPPEDAccessed (with "into")
TAPPEDDrew on as a resource
TAPPEDHit lightly
TAPPEDDrew upon
TAPPEDBegan to use
TAPPEDGot tree sap
TAPPEDStruck lightly.
TAPPEDPut a spigot on.
TAPPEDDrew off liquid.
TAPPEDKept time
TAPPEDOpened, as a keg
TAPPEDOpened a keg
TAPPEDStarted, as a keg
TAPPEDDanced like Bojangles Robinson