Answer: thar

AnswerCrossword Clue
THAR"... she blows"
THAROld salt's adverb
THARIn that direction, to a whaler
THARWhere the whale is?
THARWhere a whale may be found?
THARWhere, to a whaler?
THAROver yonder
THARIn that place, to a whaler
THAR"..... she blows!"
THARDialectal direction
THAR"Git ... fustest with the mostest"
THARIndo-Pakistani desert
THARThe Indian Desert
THAR" . . . them ... hills"
THARWild goat: Var.
THAR" . . . gold in them ... hills"
THARYonder, to a cowpoke
THAR"There's gold in them ..... hills!"
tharany of several Old World wild goats of the genus Hemitragus, as H. jemlahicus(Himalayan tahr), introduced into New Zealand, having a long mane and short, stout, recurving horns: most are endangered or threatened in their native regions
thardesert S Asia in Pakistan & India between Aravalli Range & the Indus
thara Himalayan goat
THARThem ... hills
THARSite of a whale, perhaps
THAR" .... she blows!"
THARSalt's direction?
THAR.... she blows!
THARYonder, out West
THARGreat Indian Desert
THAR'There's gold in them -- hills!'
THAR'-- she blows!'
THARWhere she blows?
THARWhaler's direction?
THARDirection for a whaler?
THAROld salt's direction
THARAt that location, to a pirate
THARWhere she blows
THARIndia's ... Desert
THAR.. she blows!
THARGreat Indian desert
THAR"... she blows!"