Answer: thrower

AnswerCrossword Clue
throwermake a cast of (dice or a specified number on dice)
throwerlose intentionally throw a game
throwerput (an automobile) in a different gear especially quickly or suddenly he threw the car into reverse
throwerfling (oneself) precipitately threw herself down on the sofa
throwerbring forth throws a good crop
throwertwist two or more filaments of into a thread or yarn
throwerto propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm throw a baseball
throwerdrive or impel violently dash the ship was thrown on a reef
throwerst hurl
throwermake or break (a connection) with a lever
throwerform or shape on a potter's wheel
throwerbring to bear exert threw all his efforts into the boy's defense throw their weight behind the proposal
throwerindulge in give way to threw a temper tantrum
throwerposit 2b the wine throws sediment
throwergive up abandon
throwerperform (as a stunt) successfully throwing tricks on a skateboard
throwermove (a lever) so as to connect or disconnect parts of a clutch or switch
throwerput in a particular position or condition threw her arms around him thrown into chaos threw him into prison
throwercause to fall off unseat the horse threw its rider
throwersend forth project the setting sun threw long shadows
THROWERAthlete with a javelin
THROWEROne hurling
THROWERFlame follower
THROWERWord with "flame"
THROWERHammer ... (certain summer Olympian)
throwergive by way of entertainment throw a party
throwerdeliver (a blow) in or as if in boxing
throwermake (oneself) dependent commit (oneself) for help, support, or protection threw himself on the mercy of the court
throwerpropel through the air in any manner a rifle that can throw a bullet a mile
throwergive birth to threw large litters
throwerone who throws (to fling in the air)
throwered 3c throw some light on the matter
throwerget the better of overcome the problem didn't throw her
throwerput on or off hastily or carelessly threw on a coat
throwercause to fall threw his opponent