Answer: throwing

AnswerCrossword Clue
throwingTurn (wood or other material) on a lathe
throwingPut on or take off a garment hastily
throwingHave (a fit or tantrum)
throwingCause to enter suddenly a particular state or condition
throwingSend (one's opponent) to the ground in wrestling, judo, or similar activity
throwingthe act of throwing
throwingTwist (silk or other fabrics) into thread or yarn
throwingGive or hold (a party)
throwingMove (a part of the body) quickly or suddenly in a particular direction
throwingPut (someone) in a particular place or state, esp. in a rough, abrupt, or summary fashion
throwingMove (a switch or lever) so as to operate a device
throwingForm (ceramic ware) on a potter's wheel
throwingDirect (a particular kind of look or facial expression)
throwingPropel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand
throwingProject (one's voice) so that it appears to come from someone or something else, as in ventriloquism
THROWINGLosing deliberately
throwing(of a horse) Lose (a shoe)
throwing(of an animal) Give birth to (young, of a specified kind)
throwing(of a horse) Unseat (its rider)
throwingLose (a race or contest) intentionally, esp. in return for a bribe
throwingDeliver (a punch)
throwingProject or cast (light or shadow) in a particular direction
throwingPut in place or erect quickly
throwingRoll (dice)
throwingObtain (a specified number) by rolling dice
throwingPush or force (someone or something) violently and suddenly into a particular physical position or state
throwingDisconcert; confuse