Answer: tickertape

AnswerCrossword Clue
TICKERTAPEConfetti, in N. Y. C. parades.
TICKERTAPEWrapping for an old-time investor?
TICKERTAPEStrip for quotes
TICKERTAPEPart of the wrapping of a gift from Rolex?
TICKERTAPEOld-time Broadway greeting
TICKERTAPEStreet-sweeper's bane
TICKERTAPEParade confetti
TICKERTAPEMaterial for mending a broken heart?
TICKERTAPEConfetti companion, on occasion
TICKERTAPEItem for a big parade.
TICKERTAPEKind of parade.
TICKERTAPEConstituent of some parades.
TICKERTAPERequired reading for brokers.
TICKERTAPENew York City's parade shower.
TICKERTAPEIt fell on Neil Armstrong in the summer of '69
TICKERTAPERibbons of paper once used during parades
TICKERTAPEParade material of the past
TICKERTAPEAlternative to flypaper?
TICKERTAPEKind of parade
TICKERTAPEPredecessor of parade confetti
TICKERTAPEParade for a hero