Answer: tieing

AnswerCrossword Clue
tieingunite in marriage
tieingform a knot or bow in tie your scarf
tieingprovide or offer something equal to equal
tieingjoin (power systems) electrically
tieingrestrain from independence or freedom of action or choice constrain by or as if by authority, influence, agreement, or obligation
tieingmake an equal score
tieingmake by tying constituent elements tied a wreath tie a fishing fly
tieingunite (musical notes) by a tie
tieingmake a bond or connection
TIEINGMaking a knot
tieingto fasten, attach, or close by means of a tie
tieingbecome attached
tieingclose by means of a tie
tieingmake or have an equal score with in a contest
tieingequalize (the score) in a game or contest
tieingplace or establish in relationship connect
tieingequalize the score of (a game)
TIEINGUsing twine, perhaps