Answer: tonedeaf

AnswerCrossword Clue
TONEDEAFUnable to carry a tune.
TONEDEAFConstantly losing one's keys?
TONEDEAFUnable to appreciate the symphony, e.g.
TONEDEAFUnlikely to make the band
TONEDEAFUnable to appreciate the symphony
TONEDEAFUnable to hit pitches?
TONEDEAFUnable to hit a pitch?
TONEDEAFUnable to hit a pitch
TONEDEAFNot good with pitches
TONEDEAFUnmusical, in a way
TONEDEAFRelative of color-blind
TONEDEAFUnable to sense pitch
TONEDEAFUnable to enjoy music
TONEDEAFFar from musical
TONEDEAFUnable to tell a good pitch from a bad one
TONEDEAFUnable to carry a tune
TONEDEAFHaving a tin ear
TONEDEAFLike one who can't hit a pitch?
TONEDEAFLike a Music Appreciation 101 dropout, maybe
TONEDEAFLacking an ear, as it were
TONEDEAFNot at all musical
TONEDEAFUnable to tell one pitch from another