Answer: tsarist

AnswerCrossword Clue
TSARISTLike Russia before 1917
TSARISTGodunov supporter
TSARISTRussian political oddity
TSARISTRussian reactionary
TSARISTWhite Russian, e.g.
TSARISTAutocratic, as old Russia
TSARISTLike old autocratic Russia
TSARISTLike old Russia, politically
TSARISTFollower of Nicholas or Peter
TSARISTCertainly not Bukharin
TSARISTRasputin, e.g.
TSARISTLike Russia, before the revolution
TSARISTLike Russia prior to 1917
tsarista supporter of tsarism, also CZARIST, TZARIST
tsaristof, pertaining to, or characteristic of a czar or the system and principles of government under a czar
tsaristautocratic; dictatorial
tsaristadherent of a czar or of czarism
TSARISTBolshevik opponent
TSARISTFollower of Ivan, say
TSARISTLike old Russia
TSARISTSupporter of Boris Godunov, say
TSARISTLike pre-1917 Russia
TSARISTPeter the Great supporter, e.g.
TSARISTDictatorial, in a way
TSARISTEarly anti-communist
TSARISTLike old Russia, rulewise
TSARISTWord for 19th-century Russia
TSARISTRussian Royalist.
TSARISTFollower of Nicholas II.
TSARISTFollower of Nicholas or Alexis.
TSARISTRoyalist of a sort.
TSARISTRussian royalist.
TSARISTSupporter of Nicholas
TSARISTLenin adversary