Answer: tuningfork

AnswerCrossword Clue
TUNINGFORKIt may give you an A
TUNINGFORKPiano technician's tool
TUNINGFORKStarting pitcher?
TUNINGFORKPitch implement
TUNINGFORKAid in finding a pitch
TUNINGFORKPitch finder
TUNINGFORKPitch pipe's relative.
TUNINGFORKMusical implement.
TUNINGFORKDeliverer of a perfect pitch
TUNINGFORKUtensil of note
TUNINGFORKItem in a musician's pocket
TUNINGFORKIt gives off good vibes
TUNINGFORKIt sets the tone
TUNINGFORKPitch checker
TUNINGFORKAnother thing they might represent