Answer: turnable

AnswerCrossword Clue
turnablebe variable or inconstant
turnablebecome different
turnableexecute or perform by rotating or revolving turn handsprings
turnabledirect one's efforts or activity devote or apply oneself turned to the study of the law turned to a life of crime
turnabletwist out of line or shape wrench had turned his ankle
turnablego over to another side or party defect
turnablemake a sudden violent assault especially without evident cause dogs turning on their owners
turnabledirect one's attention to or away from someone or something
turnablecause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting) turned the knob till the door opened
turnablemake acid or sour
turnablemake use of turned her education to advantage
turnablemake (as a garment) over by reversing the material and resewing turn a collar
turnablecause (the edge of a blade) to bend back or over blunt dull
turnabledig or plow so as to bring the lower soil to the surface turn the compost weekly
turnablehave recourse refer resort turned to a friend for help turned to his notes for the exact figures
turnablebecome blunted by bending the edge of the knife had turned
turnablechange one's attitude or reverse one's course of action to one of opposition or hostility felt the world had turned against him
turnablecause (as a scale) to move so as to register weight
turnablebe stocked and disposed of change hands
turnablecause to go in a particular direction turned our steps homeward
turnableface toward or away from someone or something flowers turn toward the light
turnablebecome giddy or dizzy spin heights always made his head turn
turnablebring to bear (as by aiming, pointing, or focusing) train turned the light into the dark doorway turned a questioning eye toward her
turnablereverse a course or direction the tide has turned
turnablehave as a decisive factor hinge the argument turns on a point of logic the outcome of the game turned on an interception
turnableaffect or alter the functioning of (as a mechanical device) or the level of (as sound) by such movement turn the oven to 400░ turn the music to full volume
turnabledirect the employment of apply devote turned his skills to the service of humankind
turnablepresent by a change in direction or position turning his back to his guests
turnableset in another especially contrary direction
turnablecause to retreat used fire hoses to turn the mob
turnableoperate a lathe
turnablebend or change the course of divert a battle that turned the tide of history
turnablebecome mentally unbalanced become deranged
turnablebecome curved or bent (as from pressure)
turnableable to be turned
turnabledispose of (a stock) to make room for another
turnablebend a course around or about round turned the corner at full speed
turnableinvert feet up and face down (as a character, rule, or slug) in setting type
turnableengage in (an act of prostitution) turn tricks
turnablechange color the leaves have turned