

AnswerCrossword Clue
ULCERExec's sore spot
ULCERGastric woe
ULCERResult of stress and worry
ULCERSkin lesion
ULCERTummy trouble
ULCERTagamet target
ULCERPeptic problem
ULCERBad gut feeling
ULCERSore spot
ULCERDigestive-system malady
ULCERStomach trouble
ULCERType A's ailment
ULCERWorrier's ailment, so they say
ULCERStomach ache
ULCERStomach lining problem
ULCERNot a good gut feeling?
ULCERStomach disorder
ULCERStomach problem
ULCERStomach woe
ULCERStress consequence, perhaps
ULCEREating may relieve its symptoms
ULCERStress-related ailment, possibly
ULCERType A's medical problem, supposedly
ULCERWorrywart's woe, it's said
ULCERStomach ailment
ULCERStress symptom, perhaps
ULCERPossible stress result
ULCERExecutive bellyache
ULCERTrouble with the stomach lining
ULCERWorrier's woe, perhaps
ULCERResult of stress, it's been said
ULCERGut wrencher?
ULCERStress result, at times
ULCERDigestive tract condition
ULCERWorrier's risk, it's said
ULCERWorrier's woe, it's said
ULCERWorrier's risk
ULCERWorrywart's problem, supposedly
ULCERProblem caused by H. pylori