Answer: unwind

AnswerCrossword Clue
unwindbecome released from tension take a bath to unwind
unwindundo (a financial arrangement or position) through the necessary legal or financial steps unwound most of its natural gas hedges New York Times
unwindto become unwound
unwindto cause to uncoil wind off unroll
unwindto become relieved of tension; relax
unwindto disentangle or disengage; untwist
unwindfree from or as if from a binding or wrapping
unwindto undo or loosen from or as if from a coiled condition
unwindtrace to the end unwinding the labryinth and bringing the hero out Laurence Sterne
unwindto reverse the winding of
unwindto reduce the tension of; relax
unwindrelease from tension relax
unwindbecome uncoiled or disentangled unfold
UNWINDTake five
UNWINDLoosen up
UNWINDRelax after work
UNWINDRelax after a hard day