Answer: violin

AnswerCrossword Clue
VIOLINString in a string quartet
VIOLINOrchestra member.
VIOLINOne of the strings.
VIOLINStrings for Stern.
VIOLINBenny's forte.
VIOLINGypsy's instrument
VIOLINElman's instrument
VIOLINHenny Youngman's prop
VIOLINAmati product
VIOLINAmati or Stradivari
VIOLINNathan Milstein's instrument.
VIOLIN"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a ...; what else does a man need to be happy?": Albert Einstein
VIOLINIsaac Stern's instrument
VIOLINSound in "Eleanor Rigby" and "Yesterday"
VIOLINPaganini's instrument
VIOLINVeteran Michael Boehm played "Taps" on one in "My Lai"
VIOLINBowed string instrument
VIOLINString quartet string
VIOLINQuintet instrument
violinstringed instrument of treble pitch, played with a bow
violina stringed instrument
VIOLINJack Benny's instrument
VIOLINMidori's instrument
VIOLINProp for Fritz Kreisler
VIOLINStringed instrument
VIOLINStern instrument
VIOLINConcertmaster's instrument
VIOLINBenny's instrument
VIOLINItzhak Perlman's instrument
VIOLINWhere to see a chin rest
VIOLINString instrument
VIOLINStern strings
VIOLINStern's strings
VIOLINStern's instrument
VIOLINCremona creation
VIOLINBowed orchestral instrument
VIOLINStradivarius creation