Answer: walleye

AnswerCrossword Clue
WALLEYEPerch relative
WALLEYEMinnesota's state fish
WALLEYESouth Dakota's state fish
WALLEYELarge freshwater sport fish
WALLEYELarge game fish
WALLEYEGame fish.
WALLEYEGame fish in northern lakes and streams
WALLEYEFreshwater fish
walleyeeye affected with strabismus of this type
walleyecondition in which the eye or eyes are turned outward
walleyean eye having a white cornea
walleyean eye with a whitish or bluish-white iris
walleyelarge vigorous North American freshwater food and sport fish (Stizostedion vitreum) that has large opaque eyes and is related to the perches but resembles the true pike called also walleyed pike
walleyeeye with an opaque white cornea