Answer: wettest

AnswerCrossword Clue
wettest(of a baby or young child) Having urinated in its diaper or underwear
wettestInvolving the use of water or liquid
wettestWET, saturated with liquor
wettest(of a person) Addicted to alcohol
wettest(of paint, ink, plaster, or a similar substance) Not yet having dried or hardened
wettest(of a country or region or of its legislation) Allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages
wettestCovered or saturated with water or another liquid
wettest(of the weather) Rainy
wettestShowing a lack of forcefulness or strength of character; feeble
WETTESTTops in rainfall
WETTESTLeast exsuccous
WETTESTMost drenched
WETTESTAt the saturation point.
WETTESTMost rainy
WETTESTGuinness adjective
WETTESTMost moist
WETTESTLeast arid