Answer: winged

AnswerCrossword Clue
wingedwounded in an arm or other nonvital part
wingedelevated or lofty
wingedone of the winglike structures on an airplane
wingedany winglike or projecting structure
wingedhaving a winglike part or parts
wingeddisabled in the wing, as a bird
wingedrapid or swift
wingedto transport on wings
wingedhaving parts specialized for flight; having wings
wingedto travel on wings
wingedWING, to fly (to move through the air)
wingedthe space at the side of a stage
WINGEDLike an eagle
wingedextreme faction within an organization
wingedeither of two forelimbs or appendages by which birds, insects, and bats are able to fly
wingedto wound in the wing or arm
WINGEDLike Hermes' shoes
WINGEDLike the Louvre's Nike
WINGEDFit with flappers
WINGEDLike a gnat