Answer: wisest

AnswerCrossword Clue
WISEST"The ... knows nothing": Emerson
WISESTOf birds, the owl?
WISESTMost like Solomon
WISESTSolomonic to the nth degree
WISESTMaking the most sense
WISESTMost sapient
WISESTMost like the Magi
WISESTLeast naive
WISESTLeast foolish
WISESTEldest owl?
WISESTMost discerning
WISESTMost sage.
WISESTMost like Gandalf
WISESTMost sound
WISESTBest for seeking advice from
WISESTBest to consult for advice
WISESTLike Solomon among all biblical kings
wisestWISE, having wisdom (the quality of being wise)
wisesthaving scholarly knowledge
wisesthaving good judgment and understanding
WISESTMost discreet
WISESTMost enlightened
WISESTMost judicious
WISEST"Only the ... and stupidest of men never change": Confucius
WISESTMost sage
WISESTMost Solomon-like
WISESTMost prudent
WISESTMost sagacious
WISESTMost knowing
WISESTMost politic
WISESTMost Solomonlike
WISESTMost owlish
WISESTTops in reason
WISESTMost sensible
WISESTBest informed.
WISESTMost judicious.
WISESTMost comprehensive.
WISESTShowing the best judgment.
WISESTDescribing Solomon.