Answer: yeasts

AnswerCrossword Clue
YEASTSBreadmakers' needs
YEASTSBrewing needs
YEASTSExpansion agents of sorts
YEASTSFermenting agents
YEASTSBakery supplies
YEASTSBrewers' buys
YEASTSBakers' needs
YEASTSBakers' stock
YEASTSThey build up spirits
YEASTSFermenting fungi
YEASTSRise inducers
YEASTSSugar fermenters
YEASTSFroth producers
YEASTSBread bakers' buys
YEASTSBrewers' supplies
YEASTSFleischmann's and others
YEASTSExpansion agents
YEASTSThey could double your dough
YEASTSBrewer's buys
YEASTSBrewers' fermenting agents
YEASTSBrewing agents
yeastsYEAST, to ferment (to undergo a type of chemical reaction)
yeastsfungus causing fermentation, used in brewing alcoholic beverages and as a leaven in baking bread
YEASTSPantry items
YEASTSBock ingredients
YEASTSThey rise every day
YEASTSLeavening agents
YEASTSBrewing ingredients
YEASTSThey raise a lot of dough
YEASTSThey raise dough
YEASTSDough raisers
YEASTSRising agents
YEASTSBakers' buys
YEASTSDough enhancers
YEASTSBrewers' needs
YEASTSFermentation fungi