Answer: yoyoma

AnswerCrossword Clue
YOYOMAMusician who performed at Obama's first inauguration
YOYOMAWell-known cello player
YOYOMAFrequent collaborator of Emanuel Ax
YOYOMACello fellow
YOYOMAPlayer of the Davidov Stradivarius
YOYOMAChinese-American with 14 Grammys
YOYOMAWhom People magazine once named the world's "sexiest classical musician"
YOYOMAMusician who takes a bow
YOYOMAMusician who won a 2011 Presidential Medal of Freedom
YOYOMAChinese-American virtuoso cellist
YOYOMAClassical musician whose career has had its ups and downs?
YOYOMAEminent cellist
YOYOMAOne cello virtuoso
YOYOMAClassical musician with a Presidential Medal of Freedom
YOYOMACello virtuoso
YOYOMAHe enrolled in Juilliard at age nine
YOYOMACellist at Obama's first inauguration
YOYOMAVirtuoso taking a bow before a performance?
YOYOMAForeign-born musician with a Presidential Medal of Freedom
YOYOMAMany-time Grammy-winning cellist
YOYOMAClassical musician whose given name is a toy
YOYOMAMusician whose first name is a toy
YOYOMAMusician awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011
YOYOMAParis-born cellist
YOYOMAArtist with the album "Vivaldi's Cello"
YOYOMAFrequent Emanuel Ax collaborator
YOYOMAMusician who founded the Silk Road Project
YOYOMA1999 Glenn Gould Prize winner
YOYOMAThe Silk Road Ensemble musician
YOYOMA"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" cellist
YOYOMAMusician heard in "Memoirs of a Geisha"
YOYOMACellist with 16 Grammys
YOYOMAHe has a cello named Petunia
YOYOMAClassical cellist
YOYOMAMusician with a 1712 Stradivarius
YOYOMACellist who performed at Steve Jobs's funeral
YOYOMAFamed cellist
YOYOMAWorld-renowned cellist
YOYOMAWinner of 16 Grammys
YOYOMAPerformer who has won 16 Grammys