Answer: zeus

AnswerCrossword Clue
ZEUSOne of two Doberman pinschers on "Magnum, P.I."
ZEUSHera's mate
ZEUSTop dog on Olympus
ZEUSOlympian leader
ZEUSDionysus's dad
ZEUSYounger brother of Poseidon and Hades
ZEUSPantheon ruler
ZEUS"Immortals" role for Luke Evans
ZEUSChief Olympian god
ZEUSJupiter, to the ancient Greeks
ZEUSMt. Olympus ruler
ZEUSHellenic heaven honcho
ZEUSMount Olympus god
ZEUSSupreme Greek deity
ZEUSJupiter's equivalent
ZEUSMount Olympus boss
ZEUSMount Olympus bigwig
ZEUSPan's parent
ZEUSThunderbolt source
ZEUSJupiter's counterpart
ZEUSGreek counterpart of Jupiter
ZEUSHelen's father
ZEUSMount Olympus VIP
ZEUSOlympus boss
ZEUSHoncho of Olympus
ZEUSOlympian deity
ZEUSThunderbolt hurler
ZEUSThunderbolt-hurling god
ZEUSChief Greek god
ZEUSMount Olympus figure
ZEUSOlympian ruler
ZEUSGreek ruler of the heavens
ZEUSOlympian bigwig
ZEUSHera's spouse
ZEUSSon of Cronus and Rhea
ZEUSAres' father
ZEUSHera's hubby
ZEUSOlympian thunderbolt thrower
ZEUSGreek god of the heavens
ZEUSHera's husband