Answer | Crossword Clue |
piperic | describing an acid made from piperine |
picrocarmine | a stain for microscope work made from carmine, ammonia, water and picric acid |
chloroprene | A colorless liquid made from acetylene and hydrochloric acid and polymerized to form neoprene |
picrocarmines | PICROCARMINE, a stain for microscope work made from carmine, ammonia, water and picric acid |
acrylic | (of synthetic resins and textile fibers) Made from polymers of acrylic acid or acrylates |
verjuiced | acid liquor made from the sour juice of crab apples, unripe grapes, etc., formerly much used for culinary and other purposes |
verjuice | acid liquor made from the sour juice of crab apples, unripe grapes, etc., formerly much used for culinary and other purposes |