one that feeds as
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "one that feeds as"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
feedersone that feeds as
kookaburrasA very large Australasian kingfisher that feeds on terrestrial prey such as reptiles and birds
kookaburraA very large Australasian kingfisher that feeds on terrestrial prey such as reptiles and birds
cadellesmall, blackish beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicus, that feeds, as both larva and adult, on stored grain and on other insects
grugruthe larva of any of several South American billbugs, as Rhynchophorus cruentatus, that feeds on the pith of palm trees, sugar cane, etc., and is sometimes prized as food
wheata cereal grain that yields a fine white flour used chiefly in breads, baked goods (as cakes and crackers), and pastas (as macaroni or spaghetti), and is important in animal feeds
vitamineany of several fat-soluble vitamins that are chemically tocopherols, are essential in the nutrition of various vertebrates in which their absence is associated with infertility, degenerative changes in muscle, or vascular abnormalities, are found especially in leaves and in seed germ oils, and are used chiefly in animal feeds and as antioxidants
feederone that feeds (to give food to)
feedersFEEDER, one that feeds (to give food to)
omnivoreone that feeds on both animal and vegetable food
omnivoresOMNIVORE, one that feeds on both animal and vegetable food
vleian area of low marshy ground, esp one that feeds a stream
curculioany of several weevils, esp. one of the genus Conotrachelus, as C. nenuphar(plum curculio), which feeds on plums, cherries, and other fruits
creeperone that creeps as
cookerone that cooks as
windersone that winds as
bearerone that bears as
feelerone that feels as
scannerone that scans as
operatorone that operates as
receiverone that receives as
radiatorsone that radiates as
adherentsone that adheres as
tumblersone that tumbles as
playersone that plays as
breederone that breeds as
writerone that writes as
weldorone that welds as
migrantone that migrates as
bolterone that bolts as
toughiesone that is tough as
uppersone that is upper as
riserone that rises (as from sleep)
gagerone that gages (to pledge as security)
MONISMSPhilosophies that regard reality as one organic whole
elevatorone that raises or lifts something up as
doublerone that doubles (to make twice as much)
gagersGAGER, one that gages (to pledge as security)
wringerone that wrings (to twist so as to compress)
doublersDOUBLER, one that doubles (to make twice as much)