one whose business or occupation is painting houses
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 13 answers to crossword clue "one whose business or occupation is painting houses"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
housepainterone whose business or occupation is painting houses
housepaintersHOUSEPAINTER, one whose business or occupation is painting houses
moverperson or company whose business is the moving of household effects or office equipment from one location to another
staymakerone whose occupation is to make stays
brickmakerone whose occupation is to make bricks
staymakersSTAYMAKER, one whose occupation is to make stays
brickmakersBRICKMAKER, one whose occupation is to make bricks
slaughtermanone whose occupation it is to kill for food
slaughtermenSLAUGHTERMAN, one whose occupation it is to kill for food
cleanersperson who cleans, esp. one whose regular occupation is cleaning offices, buildings, equipment, etc.
cleanerperson who cleans, esp. one whose regular occupation is cleaning offices, buildings, equipment, etc.
nurserymanone whose occupation is the cultivation of plants (as trees and shrubs) esp for sale
nurserymenNURSERYMAN, one whose occupation is the cultivation of plants (as trees and shrubs) esp for sale