Answer | Crossword Clue |
hederal | pertaining to a particular ivy genus |
elaphine | pertaining to a genus of deer |
rusine | pertaining to a genus of deer |
aedine | pertaining to an aedes (any of a genus of mosquitoes) |
monilial | pertaining to monilia ((Latin) a fungus of the Monilia genus, having conidia in branched chains) |
canicular | Pertaining to a dog, in particular |
exogamic | pertaining to exogamy (marriage outside a particular group) |
regional | pertaining to a particular area, as of a country |
faunal | pertaining to fauna (the animal life of a particular region) |
faunally | FAUNAL, pertaining to fauna (the animal life of a particular region) |
diathetic | pertaining to a diathesis, a constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or condition |