Answer | Crossword Clue |
paedomorphosis | retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters also PAEDOMORPHISM |
paedomorphoses | PAEDOMORPHOSIS, retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters also PAEDOMORPHISM |
paedomorphisms | PAEDOMORPHISM, retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters also PAEDOMORPHOSIS |
paedomorphism | retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters also PAEDOMORPHOSIS |
neotenous | exhibiting neoteny, retention of infantile or juvenile characteristics into adulthood also NEOTENIC |
neoteinia | prolonged retention of larval or immature characteristics or features in the adult form also NEOTENY |
neoteinias | NEOTEINIA, prolonged retention of larval or immature characteristics or features in the adult form also NEOTENY |